
Will Durant Quotes

It may be true that you can't fool all the people all the time, but you can fool enough of them to rule a large country.

Will Durant, Ariel Durant (2012). “The Lessons of History”, p.61, Simon and Schuster

From barbarism to civilization requires a century; from civilization to barbarism needs but a day.

Will Durant (2011). “The Reformation: The Story of Civilization”, p.198, Simon and Schuster

The political machine triumphs because it is a united minority acting against a divided majority.

Will Durant (1929). “The Mansions of Philosophy: A Survey of Human Life and Destiny”, Garden City, N.Y. : Garden City Publishing Company

Civilizations come and go; they conquer the earth and crumble into dust; but faith survives every desolation.

Will Durant (2011). “The Life of Greece: The Story of Civilization”, p.75, Simon and Schuster

Man is an emotional animal, occasionally rational; and through his feelings he can be deceived to his heart's content.

Will Durant (1929). “The Mansions of Philosophy: A Survey of Human Life and Destiny”, Garden City, N.Y. : Garden City Publishing Company

Sixty years ago I knew everything. Now I know nothing. Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.

"Books: The Great Gadfly". Time Magazine (review of "The Age of Voltaire" by Will and Ariel Durant), October 8, 1965.

Knowledge is power but only wisdom is liberty.

Will Durant (1929). “The Mansions of Philosophy: A Survey of Human Life and Destiny”, Garden City, N.Y. : Garden City Publishing Company