
Unattainable Quotes

To pursue a goal which is by definition unattainable is to condemn oneself to a state of perpetual unhappiness.

John A. Spaulding, George Simpson, Emile Durkheim (2010). “Suicide”, p.248, Simon and Schuster

If you do not hope, you will not win that which is not hoped for, since it is unattainable and inaccessible.

Heraclitus of Ephesus (2017). “Heraclitus on the two antithetical forces in life: Interdependent and mutually convertible aspects of One Cause”, p.6, Philaletheians UK

Certainty is an unrealistic and unattainable ideal

J. P. Moreland, William Lane Craig (2009). “Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview”, p.58, InterVarsity Press

The scope for improvement is infinite, precisely because perfection is unattainable.

George Soros (2007). “Open Society Reforming Global Capitalism Reconsidered”, p.26, PublicAffairs

The visual life is an enormous undertaking, practically unattainable.

Anne Whiston Spirn, Dorothea Lange (2009). “Daring to Look: Dorothea Lange's Photographs and Reports from the Field”, University Of Chicago Press

The knowledge that makes us cherish innocence makes innocence unattainable.

Irving Howe (1975). “The critical point, on literature and culture”

Absolute certainty is a privilege of uneducated minds and fanatics. - It is, for scientific folk, an unattainable ideal.

Cassius Jackson Keyser (1922). “Mathematical Philosophy: A Study of Fate and Freedom; Lectures for Educated Laymen”

Don't aim for perfect. Aim for complete. Perfection is an unattainable illusion.

Lisa Genova (2013). “Love Anthony”, p.237, Simon and Schuster

Perfect is unattainable. Better is possible.

"President Barack Obama Holds a News Conference", November 14, 2016.