Vain Quotes - Page 4

Friedrich Schiller (2013). “Delphi Complete Works of Friedrich Schiller (Illustrated)”, p.1912, Delphi Classics
"Dictionary of Burning Words of Brilliant Writers" by Josiah Hotchkiss Gilbert (p.47), 1895.
Elie Wiesel (2012). “Night”, p.8, Macmillan
Alexander Pope, George Croly (1854). “The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope; with a Memoir of the Author, Notes, and Critical Notices on Each Poem. By the Rev. George Croly ... New Edition. [With a Portrait.]”, p.268
Why, all delights are vain; but that most vain, Which, with pain purchas'd, doth inherit pain.
William Shakespeare (2015). “Peines d’amour perdues”, p.38, Editions Gallimard
Our pleasance here is all vain glory, This false warld is but transitory.
"The Life and Poems of William Dunbar".
'The Cotter's Saturday Night' (1786) st. 6
Life itself was only futility, vain words, a squabble of cap and bells.
Michel Foucault (2013). “Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason”, p.16, Vintage
Lady Hester Lucy Stanhope (1845). “Memoirs of the Lady Hester Stanhope: As Related by Herself in Conversations with Her Physician; Comprising Her Opinions and Anecdotes of Some of the Most Remarkable Persons of Her Time”, p.14
It is vain for painters... to endeavour to invent without materials on which the mind may work.
Sir Joshua Reynolds, Edmond Malone (1809). “The Works of Sir Joshua Reynolds”, p.158
In vain doth valour bleed, While Avarice and Rapine share the land.
John Milton (1873). “The Poetical Works of John Milton: With a Life of the Author, Preliminary Dissertations on Each Poem, Notes Critical and Explanatory, an Index to the Subjects of Paradise Lost, and a Verbal Index to All the Poems”, p.482
'Paradise Lost' (1667) bk. 2, l. 562
John Gay (1863). “The Poetical Works of John Gay: With a Life of the Author”, p.5
Jawaharlal Nehru (1968). “Glorious thoughts of Nehru: being a treasury of over twelve thousand invaluable and inspiring thoughts, views and observations of Jawaharlal Nehru, collected from his writings and speeches and classified under four hundred subjects”
Homer (1796). “The Iliad of Homer”, p.34
In vain he seeketh others to suppress, Who hath not learn'd himself first to subdue.
Edmund Spenser (1715). “The Works of Mr. Edmund Spenser”, p.872