Vocabulary Quotes - Page 7
David Ogilvy (1963). “Confessions of an advertising man”, Holiday House
Anthony Burgess (1964). “Language made plain”
Ursula K. Le Guin (2012). “The Left Hand Of Darkness”, p.149, Hachette UK
What is slang in one age sometimes goes into the vocabulary of the purist in the next.
Thomas Bailey Aldrich (1907). “The Writings of Thomas Bailey Aldrich”
We need to remove unworthy from our vocabulary and replace it with hope and work.
Marvin J. Ashton (1991). “The Measure of Our Hearts”, Shadow Mountain
Mario Pei (1965). “The Story of Language”
Marina Warner (2003). “Signs & wonders: essays on literature & culture”, Vintage
Ahimsa is a science. The word 'failure' has no place in the vocabulary of science.
Mahatma Gandhi (1967). “The Mind of Mahatma Gandhi”, p.128, Rajpal & Sons
"Kafka and His Precursors" (1951) (translation by James E. Irby)
David Perkins (2008). “Smart Schools: From Training Memories to Educating Minds”, p.143, Simon and Schuster