
Vulnerability Quotes

I just get inspired to take a picture by the beauty and vulnerability of my friends.

Nan Goldin, Taka Kawachi (1998). “Nan Goldin: couples and loneliness”, Korinsha Pr

You don't hear no artists from Compton showing vulnerability.

"Kendrick Lamar: the rise of a good kid rapper in a mad city". Interview with Hattie Collins, December 7, 2012.

I'm a woman who carries around all these layers of fear and vulnerability.

"Teri Hatcher Tells Vanity Fair She Was Sexually Abused as a Child". March 8, 2006.

To be is to be vulnerable.

Norman O. Brown (1990). “Love's Body, Reissue of 1966 edition”, p.184, Univ of California Press

All are / naked, none is safe.

Marianne Moore (1994). “Complete Poems”, p.95, Penguin

Vulnerability is not weakness.

Brené Brown (2007). “I Thought It Was Just Me (but it isn't): Making the Journey from "What Will People Think?" to "I Am Enough"”, p.79, Penguin

Vulnerability is power.

"Saul Williams" by Liam Singer, September 26, 2004.

I love vulnerability. It's what keeps me soft and from becoming emotionally calcified.

Interview with Maranda Pleasant,