She’s best friends with my wife. (Julian) Gracie? You’re married to Gracie? That was you? You’re Mr. Hot Bottom! (Sunshine)
She’s my wife. (Stryker) Was. You seem to have forgotten an important verb tense. (Zephyra)
Huge Jackman has divorced his wife and happened upon my picture in some old article and decided that I'm the woman for him? ~ Susan
Everyone knows me and my wife's story. We didn't have sex until we got married.
I told my wife when I was rolling up, I felt like the president.
I have three children to take care; I have a wife. My job is to take care of them, and I can say it's a pretty cool job to have.
I can see clothes of silk, if materials that do not hide the body, nor even one's decency, can be called clothes. ... Wretched flocks of maids labor so that the adulteress may be visible through her thin dress, so that her husband has no more acquaintance than any outsider or foreigner with his wife's body.
I discovered photography completely by chance. My wife is an architect; when we were young and living in Paris, she bought a camera to take pictures of buildings. For the first time, I looked through a lens - and photography immediately started to invade my life.
The greatest source of inspiration for me has been my wife; she is the love of my life, my best friend, and my most ardent supporter.
My wife, Daniela, and I live in an old house from 1810 with three fireplaces at the end of a dead-end dirt road on Cape Cod, so I turn the trees into firewood for us and a friend of mine sells the rest.
I do love Christmas, although my wife puts me to shame. She is a huge Christmas fan, so we do love us some Christmas in our house.
My wife does wish I dressed better.
I think when you marry up like I did and Mitt Romney did, your wife says a lot about who you are and I think she humanizes him and brings a different vision of who Mitt Romney is.
I want my ex-wife and children to be happy.
I have not made any plans for the future, and my wife would kill me if I announced anything before that.
I remember desperately trying to convince my wife that what I was believing was real - that I was being followed, that I was involved in some type of mind-control experiment. I couldn't understand why she couldn't believe me.
I've always been passionate about what I do and want to do it well, ... My wife says she's a widow to the computer.
I like to joke with my wife that she's the CEO of... certainly of our household.
My wife and I look for ways to always support the troops, including sending care packages regularly to them.
Those are the stakes that are constantly there and how do those stakes change you? How does that change the person you are? If it does just turn out to be about survival then is that living? How does that make you, you? How does that change your identity? That picture of the governor, his wife, and his daughter, he wasn't that guy before this all started. People dying around him changed him into that.
I don't necessarily recommend directing your husband or wife in a film, but if you have to do it, you have to do it.
I found myself with a wife and kids, and some of my friends weren't around as much. They weren't calling as much, and I didn't quite know what it was. Someone said, "Yeah, I recently lost one of my closest friends. He got his finger stuck in a wedding ring." And I thought, "Oh, that's what's happening! We're all going off and making our own families."
I watch so much television. My DVR is full. I love putting my kids to bed, so I can sit on the couch with my wife and we can dissect The Affair, The Americans, House of Cards, or whatever it is. I'm so lucky.
I was surprised to learn that doing household chores qualifies as romantic for most of you [women]. That's exactly why you should never hire a butler if you strike it rich - the minute that Jeeves starts unloading the dishwasher without being asked, your wife is going to start humping his leg.
I always see my wife as the clever one, as the wise one in the family.