It's a business. If I could make more money down in the zinc mines I'd be mining zinc.
I continue coupling a plate of silver with one of zinc, and always in the same order... and place between each of these couples a moistened disk. I continue to form a column. If the column contains about twenty of these couples of metal, it will be capable of giving to the fingers several small shocks.
What gives these corporations like CONOCO, SHELL, EXXON, DIASHAWA, ITT, RIO TINTO ZINC, and the WORLD BANK a right which supercedes or is superior to my human right to live on my land, or that of my family, my community, my nation, our nations, and to us as women?
I have pleasures, and passions, but the joy of life is gone. I am going under: the morgue yawns for me. I go and look at my zinc-bed there. After all, I had a wonderful life, which is, I fear, over.
I take a multivitamin, vitamin D, and omega-3 oils every day, and if I'm stressed or run- down, I bulk up on vitamin C and zinc.
Politicians wanted to mine the Grand Canyon for zinc and copper, and Theodore Roosevelt said no.
I think that zinc white has a property of scaling and cracking.
Too many multi-vitamins are packaged as one size fits all, but you should be more specific about what you need. When I was competing as a dancer, I took zinc for healthy skin and immune system.