My intention is never to hurt anybody. I'm happy when people are having a good time.
We [ with Andy Samberg] knew each other for the last few years, our names are similar, our looks are a little bit similar, and our backgrounds are similar. The Judaism is quite similar.
I'm sure everyone's got their back story. I don't come from a place of where I was tortured and needed to let something out. I came from a very happy home. I was a little out of control at times. But my family... we all liked to be funny, we all liked to make each other laugh.
I don't know what drives me to succeed. I know I want to always do the best I can.I guess I was maybe in little league baseball as far as I wanted to be good at that. But school, I certainly wasn't the best at that.
I don't want to run around with new people. I feel safer with my friends.
Put on your yarmulkahHere comes HannukahSo much funnukahTo celebrate Hannukah
It definitely has learning a lesson about the way you're living your life. I wouldn't compare our movie to that, but it has a structure where it's about a man who doesn't appreciate all that he has and finds out at the end that life has been great and he has to enjoy that.
I sang a song at my sister's wedding. My mother forced me into that, too. But that one felt all right.
Never seen my friends do more push-ups, trying to challenge Cruises' manhood. It was like, I can be strong, too!
I do want children. I study dads more. I watch what they go through. I admire my father more than I ever did and my brother and my sister.
I grew up cursing a lot.
When I do stand-up shows at colleges, girls will talk to me after the show, and that always feels good. I like talking to them.
You know, when you don't go on TV and talk about how many women you sleep with, some people in Hollywood, that are supposedly 'in the know,' start whispering that you're gay. If I were gay, I wouldn't be ashamed to admit it, but I'm not.
I'm in a mood, Dave. A bad mood, a very bad mood! I was fired from my ice cream truck job today! No more Fudgicles!
I'm not great at bedtime stories. Bedtime stories are supposed to put the kid to sleep. My kid gets riled up and then my wife has to come in and go, 'All right! Get out of the room.'
I really do enjoy making movies and I try to test myself on occasion with some different stuff.
The difference when you have kids comes up when someone wants to meet you out after 9:30 at night. You consider that giant sacrifice. You're like, "Do I do this? Do I stay out until 10:30 and be angry, all of tomorrow?
I've always liked older ladies, ever since my mother would have B'nai B'rith at our house.
It's nice when little teams win.
I don't know who I touch and who I don't. I work hard trying to make people laugh. I try to do the kind of stuff that made me laugh growing up. I don't have any secrets. I don't know the reasons I've been so well received.
When I was kid, yeah, my family, my parents wanted me to marry a Jewish girl because that was what they taught their children, and thought it would be an easier life for me to raise a Jewish kid. And I have a Jewish wife, I have a Jewish kid. They seem pretty happy about it.
I've been called a moron since I was about four. My father called me a moron. My grandfather said I was a moron. And a lot of times when I'm driving, I hear I'm a moron. I like being a moron.
Now that I'm a parent, I understand why my father was in a bad mood a lot.
I shouldn't be near Vegas and have money in my pocket.
I think when I bought a house, that's when I thought I felt like that's a grown up thing to do.