
Alexander Pope Quotes - Page 12

How vast a memory has Love!

How vast a memory has Love!

Alexander Pope (1849). “Letters of Alexander Pope Works and Arranged Expresly for the Use Young People”, p.84

Choose a firm cloud before it fall, and in it Catch, ere she change, the Cynthia of this minute.

Alexander Pope (1856). “The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope”, p.12

Ladies, like variegated tulips, show 'Tis to their changes half their charms we owe.

Alexander Pope (1849). “Letters of Alexander Pope Works and Arranged Expresly for the Use Young People”, p.217

And bear about the mockery of woe To midnight dances and the public show.

Alexander Pope, John Wilson Croker (1871). “The Works: Including Several Hundred Unpublished Letters, and Other New Materials”, p.214

Learn from the beasts the physic of the field.

Alexander Pope (1763). “An essay on man: By Alexander Pope, Esq. Enlarged and improved by the author. Together with his MS. additions and variations as in the last edition of his works. With the notes of William, Lord Bishop of Gloucester”, p.70

No more the mounting larks, while Daphne sings, Shall, list'ning, in mid-air suspend their wings.

Alexander Pope, William Lisle Bowles, William Warburton, Joseph Warton (1806). “The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq: Memoirs of the life and writings of Pope. Recommendatory poems. A discourse on pastoral poetry. Pastorals. Messiah. Windsor forest. Odes. Two chorus's to the tragedy of Brutus. The dying Christian to his soul. An essay on criticism. The rape of the lock. Elegy to the memory of an unfortunate lady. Prologue to Mr. Addison's tragedy of Cato. Epilogue to Mr. Rowe's Jane Shore”, p.94

Interspersed in lawn and opening glades, Thin trees arise that shun each others' shades.

Alexander Pope, George Croly (1854). “The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope; with a Memoir of the Author, Notes, and Critical Notices on Each Poem. By the Rev. George Croly ... New Edition. [With a Portrait.]”, p.151

For I, who hold sage Homer's rule the best, Welcome the coming, speed the going guest.

'Imitations of Horace' Horace bk. 2, Satire 2 (1734) l. 159 ('speed the parting guest' in Pope's translation of The Odyssey (1725-6) bk. 15, l. 84)

The difference is too nice - Where ends the virtue or begins the vice.

Alexander Pope, William Lisle Bowles, William Warburton, Joseph Warton (1806). “The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq: Essay on man. Moral essays. An essay on satire”, p.87

Order is Heaven's first law; and this confess, Some are and must be greater than the rest.

Alexander Pope, Pat Rogers (2008). “The Major Works”, p.300, Oxford University Press

Oh, blindness to the future! kindly giv'n, That each may fill the circle mark'd by heaven.

Alexander Pope (1820). “An Essay on Man: In Four Epistles to H. St. John Lord Bolinbroke. To which are Added the Universal Prayer, Messiah, and Elegy”, p.7

Hills peep o'er hills, and Alps on Alps arise.

'An Essay on Criticism' (1711) l. 232

Wretches hang that jurymen may dine.

Alexander Pope, Alexander Dyce (1853). “The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope”, p.83

The race by vigour, not by vaunts, is won.

Alexander Pope, Alexander Dyce (1831). “The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope”, p.276

Every man has just as much vanity as he wants understanding.

Alexander Pope, Alexander Chalmers (1807). “A Supplementary Volume to the Works of Alexander Pope, Esq: Containing Pieces of Poetry, Not Inserted in Warburton's and Warton's Editions : and a Collection of Letters, Now First Published”, p.118

Age and want sit smiling at the gate.

Alexander Pope (1856). “The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope”, p.31

For wit and judgment often are at strife, Though meant each other's aid, like man and wife.

Alexander Pope (1848). “The Select Works of Alexander Pope: With the Life and Portrait of the Author”, p.54

Tis strange the miser should his cares employTo gain those riches he can ne'er enjoy;Is it less strange the prodigal should wasteHis wealth to purchase what he ne'er can taste?

Alexander Pope, William Roscoe (1824). “The Works of Alexander Pope: Esq. with Notes and Illustrations by Himself and Others. To which are Added, a New Life of the Author, an Estimate of His Poetical Character and Writings, and Occasional Remarks”, p.377