
Anthony Hopkins Quotes - Page 5

I think doubt is a very healthy way to live.

I think doubt is a very healthy way to live.

"Actor Sir Anthony Hopkins". "The Tavis Smiley show", January 27, 2011.

I've been composing music all my life and if I'd been clever enough at school I would like to have gone to music college.

"Anthony Hopkins: 'I've never been really close to anyone'". Interview with John Crace, January 23, 2012.

My weak spot is laziness. Oh, I have a lot of weak spots: cookies, croissants.

"Anthony Hopkins Interviewed - FRACTURE". Interview with Steve 'frosty' Weintraub, April 2, 2007.

I can't stand directors who try to micro-manage everything. When it happens these days I just walk off set, saying if they don't like the way I'm doing it they can get someone else.

"Anthony Hopkins: 'I've never been really close to anyone'". Interview With John Crace, January 23, 2012.