The Clintons opposed gay marriage. They did don't ask, don't tell. They did the Defense of Marriage Act.
Throughout American history, we have elected presidents who had not been honest man. Warren Harding, Richard Nixon, to some extent, Lyndon Johnson just to name a few.
I know the constitution in Oregon was passed in 1859. Free expression of opinion.
I've done more for the 9/11 families, by their own admission, I've done more for them than you will ever hope to do so you keep your mouth shut.
President Ted Cruz is going to send the feds to his house, take him out and put him on a plane.
I shouldn't have called out Will Ferrell, but I am getting a little fed up with these people.You want to support Bernie Sanders, knock yourself out. Does he know what Bernie stands for? Does he know what Bernie wants? And I submit to you, he doesn't.
If you don't provide a product that is satisfying people, no matter what your ideology, they tell you to take a hike.
I think the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals abused its power all day long.
In the "Personal Story" segment tonight, the state of Oregon is extremely liberal in its state government and judicial system.That state has lenient drug laws, including wide access to medical marijuana.
Hanks is a good man, and he produced the "John Adams" series as well. He does good work. But I'm more worried about a Tom Hanks when we're at war against radical Islam than I am against a caricature like Sean Penn. He's a completely marginalized soul.
Right now in Oregon anybody can open a saloon, and hire people to come in and have sex in front of their patrons.
Women have a right, I believe, to do whatever they want as long as they don't break the law.
For some reason, President Obama is being heckled about "don't ask, don't tell," which may be revoked. The president wants gays to be allowed to serve openly in the military.
We do know that the Bandido gang in Houston does drug deal. There are a bunch of people being convicted for heavyweight narcotics trafficking from the gang.
I think I understand the Constitution a little bit because in 1971 we went off the gold standard under President Nixon into the Federal Reserve notes because we were a worldwide currency.
I used to be a wicked disco guy.
If you start paying attention to Tom Hanks, you realize that he's not the Jimmy Stewart of our age. He's a very nice man. Everyone that I know that knows him says he's a great father. But, let's not pretend that he's something that he's not. He's just like George Clooney. He's a very radical leftist.
Back in 1998, he [Tom Hanks] gave the maximum amount of money that he could to Bill Clinton's defense fund. This is a man who was against gay marriage, as was Hillary Clinton.
Hanks' ideology first came into our zone shortly after 9/11, when he criticized me for asking Hollywood telethon stars to become more aggressive in getting the money to 9/11 families.
Tom Hanks is a huge superstar. And people tell me he's a very nice guy, not arrogant, not an entitlement guy. But very quietly, Mr. Hanks has become a left-wing power player in Hollywood.
Tom Hanks has taken George Clooney's place as the big-hitter driving a lot of liberal causes.
Millions of Americans have already convicted Mrs. Clinton on many, many things. They will never vote for her.