We believe we are creating the beginning of a new world order coming out of the collapse of the US-Soviet antagonisms.
Progress is only possible if the United States and its allies work together.
Information technology has politicized the world's population.
We can't make China a friend, but we can behave to make them an enemy.
A colossal event is upon us, the birth of a New World Order.
The art of diplomacy is to take an opportunity and turn it into something.
An idea can be as flawless as can be, but its execution will always be full of mistakes.
America wants to work with friends, with allies, with people of good will, to make this a better world.
I think there's nothing more dangerous than mislearning lessons of history, and we do it perpetually.
Democracy doesn't just consist of holding elections.
Everybody is within reach of a television set. And so they're all politicized, and they're all stimulated, and then they have these desires, pleasures, hates, resentments, and so on, and they're reacting instantaneously.
For most of mankind, the average person knew what was happening in his own village and the next one, and nothing beyond that, and he didn't care, so that leaders were able to guide their countries almost irrespective of what people really thought because they weren't involved in it. Now, everybody knows what's happening instantaneously.
After the '30s, we said, "no more Munichs." And it got us in a lot of problems. Then we said, "No more Vietnams." Now if we say, "No more Iraqs," the next one won't be an Iraq. It will be something different. You can't learn lessons.
Since the days of Peter the Great, Russians have been maybe Europeans who didn't share in the enlightenment and the reformation, or are they Mongol Asians with the European veneer. And they've gone back and forth.
America has never seen itself as a national state like all others, but rather as an experiment in human freedom and democracy.
I believe the Chinese are gradually realizing that they're dependent on the system that, as they run out of energy, for example, they have to reach out to foreign sources for energy, for raw materials. They have to reach out to the world for markets. They have to export. They have to maintain full employment. They've got a terrible population problem. So they need a stable world, in a way.
I think that America is a part of the world, that we want to cooperate with the world. We are not the dominant power in the world, that everyone falls in behind us. But we want to reach out and cooperate.
Saddam's ouster will not necessarily lead to the same result, since Iraq lacks democratic traditions. Democracy doesn't just consist of holding elections.
Europeans are familiar with terrorism and violence. We have not experienced a true conflict on our soil in a hundred years, and especially not one that involved 3,000 dead.
It's not for nothing that the Iranians are known as rug merchants. They are.
Osama bin Laden is going after us to get us out of the region, so he can deal with the regimes that he sees in the region, or replace them with purists.
Perhaps the most troubling area in the world goes from the Balkans through the Middle East and in Central Asia.
The UN could help the Iraqi government get on its feet and help the United States withdraw a bit more.
America is stronger than any state probably since the Roman Empire. But we can't do what used to be done with that kind of strength.
You know, different people are going to react different ways. And I don't think we should be intolerable because people do things a little differently.