It's the decomposition that gets me. You spend your whole life looking after your body. And then you rot away.
I am greatly misunderstood by politically correct idiots.
If I go to a restaurant, other people stare. The meal is ruined.
Fame had brought me so much unhappiness.
I really wanted to die at certain periods in my life. Death was like love, a romantic escape. I took pills because I didn't want to throw myself off my balcony and know people would photograph me lying dead below
I am all right when I work. I am not superficial and I am not ungrateful.
Men are beasts and even beasts don't behave as they do.
What does it mean, being a woman?
I have not always loved wisely, but I was young.
My parents gave me a strict upbringing, which at times has caused me to suffer distress but today I am grateful to them for it.
The myth of Bardot is finished, but Brigitte is me.
Vadim changed my mind about acting. Vadim was the only man who was certain I had something special to offer.
I do not understand girls who imagine that something forbidden. You can prohibit someone, but did not imagine.
I never left France for Hollywood nor stashed my money in Switzerland.
I never force myself to dance or sing.
Nobody has any security in loving me.
No matter whether it's someone from the political left or right, we just need a voice to stand up and defend animal rights.
My soul is not my own any more. I cannot live like I want to. I am going to give up films.
Was it me that Botticelli imagined?
I stopped making films to look after animals.
I am a woman that defends animals, right, left, and in the centre. Animals aren't political.
I knew I had to be the best at something, otherwise I would be nothing. I knew I wanted the world to know about Brigitte Bardot.
I had lots of opportunities to survive this [popularity] madness. Madame de Staël said, "Glory is the bright mourning of happiness."
I am 30, but there are things about me that are still 15.
Have you ever heard of a good marriage growing in front of the cameras?