
Bruce Lee Quotes about Inspirational - Page 2

If I tell you I'm good, probably you will say I'm boasting. But if I tell you I'm not good, you'll know I'm lying.

If I tell you I'm good, probably you will say I'm boasting. But if I tell you I'm not good, you'll know I'm lying.

Bruce Lee (2015). “Bruce Lee Jeet Kune Do: Bruce Lee's Commentaries on the Martial Way”, p.33, Tuttle Publishing

All fixed set patterns are incapable of adaptability or pliability. The truth is outside of all fixed patterns.

Bruce Lee (2015). “Bruce Lee Jeet Kune Do: Bruce Lee's Commentaries on the Martial Way”, p.358, Tuttle Publishing

If you don't want to slip up tomorrow, speak the truth today.

Bruce Lee (2015). “Bruce Lee Striking Thoughts: Bruce Lee's Wisdom for Daily Living”, p.206, Tuttle Publishing

Life is wide, limitless. There is no border, no frontier.

Bruce Lee (2015). “Bruce Lee: Artist of Life”, p.184, Tuttle Publishing

Empty your cup so that it may be filled; become devoid to gain totality.

Bruce Lee (1975). “Tao of Jeet Kune Do”, Black Belt Communications Incorporated

Its like a finger pointing away to the moon. Dont concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory.

Bruce Lee (2015). “Bruce Lee Striking Thoughts: Bruce Lee's Wisdom for Daily Living”, p.92, Tuttle Publishing