
Carrie Brownstein Quotes

"We can't name it, but we can sing along." That is my ultimate relationship to any art form, but especially music.

"Carrie Brownstein Discusses Her Memoir". Interview with Jenn Pelly, October 27, 2015.

I think you should be prepared for a green-screen CGI at all times.

"How to Be a Better Person in 2015, According to the Creators of Portlandia". January 8, 2015.

The internet is just a scary place. It's better to just go to the doctor. Don't let Google get inside your head. It will do bad things to you.

"How to Be a Better Person in 2015, According to the Creators of Portlandia". Interview with Eric Spitznagel, January 8, 2015.

For me, being in shape means, like, not having cynicism out-weigh optimism on a daily basis.

"How to Be a Better Person in 2015, According to the Creators of Portlandia". Interview with Eric Spitznagel, January 8, 2015.

As a kid, before I got into music, I did all the drama classes, went to theater camp in the summers, so it wasn't totally a foreign world.

"The GQ&A: Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein Talk Portlandia". Interview with Hilary Elkins, March 1, 2013.

I am a horrible visual artist. I can't fix a car, sew, knit, cook, etc. Statistically, there is more I don't do than do.

"Portlandia star Carrie Brownstein takes your questions". January 11, 2012.