You know the expression, "It's not personal; it's business." We sneer at such rot. All business is personal, all the time.
None of us find yoga. We are not that smart. Yoga finds us. We are taken up by it. It is nothing more than pure grace. We don’t make this happen. We are the very fortunate recipients of this divine largesse.
Coffee, one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world, contains a plethora of naturally-occurring compounds, including several classes of antioxidants.
If you or I want to be healthy (whether it's our digestion, our reproduction, our skin, or anything) we have to assume greater responsibility for our wellness. One of the best ways to do that is to be familiar with and to use on a regular basis, plant medicines.
I feel badly for the people who suffer from the side effects and consequences of hazardous pharmaceuticals. It's antithetical to the Hippocratic Oath. I want to see people use safe, practical medicines.
Every herbalist has their favorite plant. Mine is Rhodiola rosea.
Maca boosts sex drive like crazy. And if there's any side effect, some people just have to stop taking it because they get so sexually stimulated... Kind of makes you feel a little like a superhero.
Only a system in which all parts flourish is holistic.
Foods of the Gods”) - “After water, cocoa is the single healthiest substance you can put in your mouth. It can easily replace a number of psychiatric drugs for mood, plus it produces the same chemistry in the brain that occurs when we fall in love.
We are destroying the world's greatest pharmacy. It is very important that we protect the rainforest in everything that we do.
Powerful people come from all walks of life and leave their mark upon the world in a variety of ways. But one thing is common to them all. They move through the world with pure vitality. It is as though all their switches have been turned on.
You don't have to do something exotic to enjoy the benefits of natural healing agents. So many things in your kitchen - common spices, common herbs and foods - have powerful healing agents as well.
Chocolate just may be the healthiest thing you can put in your mouth.
Anything that's popular gets made into a diet. Acai is no more of a diet than the eraser on your No. 2 pencil.
You need to understand plant chemistry, be inured to discomfort and awesomely flexible. When something breaks down-the plane, the boat, you just have to roll with it.
Fire walking is an act of faith. I don't know why it works. I don't know why people don't die doing it. I found it very exhilarating.
Over the course of four rough, ego-shattering hours, the ayahuasca shows me that opening myself to love of Zoe and all others is the sure way to tap my deepest and most vital energetic reserves. The lesson is vivid, technicolor, indelibly imprinted on my psyche.
A number of holistic and complementary medical doctors in the US, from general practitioners to psychiatrists, are using maca with a variety of patients. Both men and women report a significant boost in libido. And a number of men who have suffered from erectile dysfunction have improved, as a result of taking maca.
Mistletoe, the same plant you kiss under at holiday time, may be an effective aid against certain types of cancer.
While there are a great many agents in nature which boost libido and enhance sexual function, chocolate alone actually promotes the brain chemistry of being in love.
Hot Plants enhance sexual experience. They increase sensitivity and make sex more urgent. Men get better erections. Women benefit, too. Your orgasms are like Chinese New Year fireworks.
In other parts of the world where I go, people are worried about, Jeez, you know, I really wanted to buy my kids shoes this year.
On the other side of the spirit veil, I spend more than a little bit of time researching the hallucinogens. I personally believe ayahuasca is also the greatest natural healing agent, period.
As state and local laws mutate and change in favor of greater tolerance, perhaps cannabis will find it's proper place in the home medicine chest.
A man doesn't need a study to know if he's feeling amorous. There is no such thing as a placebo erection.