You aren't just voting for the president. So many issues that affect your everyday life are decided locally on that ballot as well. So go get that god damn sticker. Your country needs you.
Conservatives say a lot about wanting the government stay out of our lives and businesses. We need to make sure the government stays out of our uteruses.
Ivanka Trump should probably run for office one day.
Ron Teigen Sr. and Donald Trump Sr. both have matching political qualifications: zero.
We have had the pleasure of speaking with Hillary [Clinton] [and for Hillary] for many years now. It's always an incredibly warm experience - like you are speaking to someone who genuinely wants to work with you and for you.
We also need to make sure women can be in charge of their reproductive health. We can't defund places like Planned Parenthood, where women can go for all kinds of healthcare services. While reproductive rights span much further than the pro-life/pro-choice debate, Donald Trump has actually said he wants to "punish" women for having abortions. And Mike Pence is quite possibly the most anti-choice vice presidential candidate in history.
I like daytime dates now. By the time night comes, I'm so exhausted and I feel like I'm no fun at night anymore.
I love that Hillary [Clinton] actually cares enough about the issues to study them and listen to people who are affected by them. She's gotta be one of the most knowledgeable and qualified people to ever run for president.
My head aches every time Donald Trump successfully dodges a question with this reoccurring tactic. What's his worst offense? I don't know. How long is this article?
Many [most] of Ivanka's [Trump] ideals are the platform of the democratic party. Her father [Donald Trump] has never mentioned anything she spoke about in her RNC speech. He doesn't talk about childcare, equal pay, women's rights.
Interestingly enough, if you search Twitter, you'd see I have been saying this for 3-plus years now. I cannot believe we are now in this position that Donald Trump is the Republican nominee for President. That he is in this position.
Listen, my words have never been described as the most eloquent, but I stick by the passion behind them. I do hate Donald Trump.
[Hillary Clinton] has been a woman in the public eye for decades now. She's been insulted, demeaned, and attacked for all this time, and she still wants to lead this country - and fight for the things she believes in. Not only do we agree on the issues, but I really think she's the right person to get things done.
I listen to all sorts of things. I get kind of embarrassed with my iPod, because I am a top-40 type of girl; I am not the kind of person to introduce people to new music.
I'm very moody when it comes to food. Even before pregnancy I would just get very specific with things that I wanted.
I honestly just love Greek yogurt and honey, and berries, and some KIND granola or something because that's always something that I'm down to eat. But everything else, like anything savory just has to be ordered really last minute because I never know.
That's one thing I get neurotic about: I need my soup to be crazy hot.
Dieting is becoming easier and easier for me because I'm finding out things that I love.
I'm very neurotic about shaving. I shave first thing in the morning before a shoot, and if I have dinner that night, I have to shave again.
Amanda [Bynes] and I are the same age so I grew up watching her and really looking up to her and for me, to see this path that's happening and to watch it, is kind of really affecting me in ways that I didn't think it would. It's weird to be in a situation where you can't help. I obviously don't know her at all but I want to bring her back and I want to make her happy and healthy for some reason and she's not there and we can't do anything to help so it kind of sucks. All we're doing is hurting it.
I would not like to try any high stress job. Honestly, I wouldn't like something like a PR job. I can't diffuse situations.
I personally really love food. But I even annoy myself when I say something like "Oh, I like burgers," because I sound like one of those girls. The ones who say, "I love pizza!" Bullsh*t. You don't love pizza, you love a bite of pizza
I always get to eat what I want because if I don't, I go insane.
My shoots are very much about skin, so I'm an exfoliating and moisturizing nut. I fly so much, so I take my makeup off as soon as I get on the airplane. I look at my watch every half hour and moisturize.
I love dress shopping, and I love talking about the wedding food. That's what makes me happy. If you tell me to do a guest list, I cry. I hate it.