One thing you can't pretend to be is funny.
If you want pancakes for breakfast, offer to help make them.
Before you trade sandwiches, check between the bread.
If you want to see a shooting star, you might have to spend a lot of nights looking up.
Hitting the kid with the ball might get you the ball, but it won't get you anyone to throw it to.
Don't say "The last one there is a rotten egg": unless you're absolutely sure there's a slow kid behind you.
You can either keep peddling, get off the bike or fall over.
You don't get to decide your part in the school play, but you do get to decide whether or not you play it well.
As soon as you understand 2 x 4 you can't believe there was a time when you didn't understand it.
Getting lost teaches you how to read a map.
If you keep missing, get closer to the basket.
It's easier to see the mistake on someone else's paper.
The path you're on looks different when you turn around.
Even babies like to grab for things just beyond their reach.
It's not enough to be able to spell "magnificence" in your bedroom. You have to be able to spell it at the microphone during the spelling bee.
The teacher can always tell when you did your homework on the bus.
Whiners usually play alone.