Eleanor Hallowell Abbott Quotes
Eleanor Hallowell Abbott (2012). “Little Eve Edgarton”, p.9, The Floating Press
Eleanor Hallowell Abbott (2012). “Little Eve Edgarton”, p.10, The Floating Press
Eleanor Hallowell Abbott (1911). “The Sick-a-bed Lady: And Also Hickory Dock, The Very Tired Girl, The Happy-day, The Runaway Road, Something that Happened in October, The Amateur Lover, Heart of the City, The Pink Sash, Woman's Only Business”
Eleanor Hallowell Abbott (2012). “The Sick-a-Bed Lady: And Other Tales”, p.45, The Floating Press
Eleanor Hallowell Abbott (2012). “The Sick-a-Bed Lady: And Other Tales”, p.142, The Floating Press
Love was a fever that came along a few years after chicken-pox and measles and scarlet fever.
Eleanor Hallowell Abbott (2012). “The Sick-a-Bed Lady: And Other Tales”, p.79, The Floating Press
Truth out of season was sourer than strawberries at Christmas time.
Eleanor Hallowell Abbott (2012). “The Sick-a-Bed Lady: And Other Tales”, p.76, The Floating Press
The Pretty Lady's brains were almost entirely in her fingers.
Eleanor Hallowell Abbott (2012). “The Sick-a-Bed Lady: And Other Tales”, p.129, The Floating Press
lips all crude scarlet, and eyes as absurdly big and round as a child's good-by kiss.
Eleanor Hallowell Abbott (2012). “The Sick-a-Bed Lady: And Other Tales”, p.243, The Floating Press
Eleanor Hallowell Abbott (2012). “The Sick-a-Bed Lady: And Other Tales”, p.63, The Floating Press
Eleanor Hallowell Abbott (2012). “Peace on Earth, Good-Will to Dogs”, p.7, The Floating Press
Eleanor Hallowell Abbott (2012). “The Sick-a-Bed Lady: And Other Tales”, p.42, The Floating Press
Eleanor Hallowell Abbott (2012). “The Sick-a-Bed Lady: And Other Tales”, p.215, The Floating Press
Eleanor Hallowell Abbott (2009). “The Indiscreet Letter: Easyread Large Bold Edition”, p.31, ReadHowYouWant.com