
Daniel Pipes Quotes

There is no problem with Islam itself or with the Muslims, but these are difficult times, and the difficulty stems from radical Islam.

"American Middle East Expert Daniel Pipes Clashes with Lebanese Journalist Khodhor 'Awarki on whether Israel Should Be a Jewish State". MEMRI, December 04, 2007.

Israelis must be encouraged to defeat the Palestinians.

"Daniel Pipes, Peacemaker?". Mother Jones, May 2003.

All immigrants bring exotic customs and attitudes, but Muslim customs are more troublesome than most.

"The Muslims are Coming! The Muslims are Coming!" by Daniel Pipes, November 19, 1990.

You can't just read the Koran to understand Muslim life. You have to look at history, at personalities, at economics, and so on.

"Islam and Islamism in the Modern World". Interview with Tom Bethell, February 8, 2013.