We should be more concerned with reaching the lost than pampering the saved.
A large oak tree is just a little nut that refused to give up.
What we spend, we lose. What we keep will be left for others. What we give away will be ours forever.
If you need all the answers to trust God, you are not really trusting God.
Every source of blessing is a point of attack.
Getting offended is the bait of Satan for the believer.
The enemy takes what isn't his. Jesus gives from what is His. Which are you more like?
Jesus paid a high price for your peace. Don't give it away.
Marriage should not be a goal; it should be a choice. One choice available out of many recognized as valid by society. But it isn't. Not yet. Right now, as far as society is concerned, you are married or you are not yet married. And as that notion becomes further codified our freedom to make other choices steadily erodes.
Where are you looking at blessing as bondage, something you GET to do as something you've GOT to do?
The Bible says we need to love our enemies, bless our enemies. It does not say we should assume our enemies' priorities.