
Donald E. Westlake Quotes

Whenever things sound easy, it turns out there's one part you didn't hear.

Donald E Westlake (2011). “Drowned Hopes”, p.36, Overamstel Uitgevers

The trouble with real life is, there's no reset button.

Donald E Westlake (2011). “Drowned Hopes”, p.264, Overamstel Uitgevers

In order to hold your faith intact be sure it's kept unsullied by fact.

"Don't Ask". Book by Donald E. Westlake, April 1993.

In a funny way, the stories keep themselves alive by emerging from one another. I like that.

Interview with Christopher Bahn, November 16, 2006.

Who's a boy gonna talk to if not his mother?

"Fictional character: Roy Dillon". "The Grifters", 1990.