Dorothee Solle Quotes
Dorothee Sölle (1990). “Thinking about God: an introduction to theology”, Trinity Pr Intl
If my hands are fully occupied in holding on to something, I can neither give nor receive.
Dorothee Sölle (1984). “The Strength of the Weak: Toward a Christian Feminist Identity”, p.33, Westminster John Knox Press
Bible texts are best read with a pair of glasses made out of today's newspaper.
Dorothee Sölle (1984). “The Strength of the Weak: Toward a Christian Feminist Identity”, p.155, Westminster John Knox Press
Dorothee Sölle (1975). “Suffering”, Fortress Press
Dorothee Sölle (1975). “Suffering”, Fortress Press
Dorothee Sölle (1975). “Suffering”, Fortress Press
Dorothee Sölle (1990). “Thinking about God: an introduction to theology”, Trinity Pr Intl
Dorothee Sölle (1975). “Suffering”, Fortress Press
Dorothee Sölle (1984). “The Strength of the Weak: Toward a Christian Feminist Identity”, p.84, Westminster John Knox Press
Dorothee Sölle (1983). “The arms race kills even without war”, Augsburg Fortress Publishers
Dorothee Sölle (1975). “Suffering”, Fortress Press