I don't know why, but in my career and in my life, I often find myself in situations where I am the only girl among boys.
I can celebrate food anytime. I love cheese. When I crave a certain food, I just eat it.
I love European films in general. If I were to go to the movie store or something, that's what I like to see.
I love what I do, but I never want to OD on celebrity.
I tell the most horrible jokes.
I'm actually very sensitive to energies, and when people are not aligned, I can feel that.
I appreciate humor so much, but I'm actually not a funny girl.
Is it easy to avoid paparazzi? It is, it really is.
I generally circuit train and do Pilates.
It's funny because the voice-over world is definitely another career. It's another outlet to be creative. But, I'm just not invested, in the way that I am with film and television.
Often, people ask if it's different doing live-action and voice-over, but the only thing that's different, really, is that we're in a booth and there's no camera on me. But, my intention, as an actor, is exactly the same.