I do believe in forgiving and forgetting. There was a reason we were together. I just want to hold on to the good times.
I'm just blessed because I'm Mexican. Mexican Americans have amazing hair!
Growing another life inside of you is one of the strangest, but most amazing feelings anyone can have.
In the Mexican culture, we never miss a baptism, a birthday, a baby shower, a wedding shower, a wedding. You must show up. Otherwise, you'll be in big trouble.
When you're fighting for social justice, one of my biggest pet peeves is speaking out of ignorance.
When I want to reward myself I get a relaxing massage.
Every woman should try a Brazilian wax once. And then the sex they have afterward will make them keep coming back!
You never date someone's ex-boyfriend. Period. That's not even the unspoken rule - that's the spoken rule.
I find it irresponsible to go, 'She's an actress, what does she know?' That means if you're a dentist, what do you know? If you're a lawyer, what do you know? It's our profession, it's what we do. It's not who we are.
I love being a woman. I love the sexiness we get to exude. But the best thing about being a woman is the power we have over men.
I'm very efficient and the people who work with me always say that - they know when they have a day with me it's going to be really exhausting because I love to fit as much in as possible.
If I were single and had my career, I'd be happy. You have to be happy with what you're doing.
Get a Brazilian wax. It makes sex better, orgasmwise.
Latinos have not historically been a culture that unites easily. We're very factioned - you have your Mexican Americans, your Puerto Ricans, your Cuban Americans, your Central Americans - and sometimes we focus on the differences more than the commonalities.
Staying in shape does not come easily, especially as you get older and you don't have as much time or energy to exercise. I used to be naturally skinny in high school and college. I was in cheerleading, ran track, and did gymnastics, so I had a built-in five-hour workout every day. Lately, I've been doing Pilates on the Megaformer, which is like Pilates on steroids.
I'm a cook, and I'm like, "a dash of this, a pinch of that." I cook with a lot of passion and instinct. So that's the hardest thing - to put an actual recipe together.
We know what we need to do. Let's re-elect President Obama!
I learned French before I learned Spanish.
You can't walk two steps without seeing a pregnant teen.
I am honored to be here as co-chair of President Obama's re-election campaign.
Baking is too precise for me. I cook with a pinch of this or that.
I've lost a lot of jobs because I was too pretty. And everybody's like "Oh, poor you." But seriously, you don't get the good roles when you're beautiful.
I guess we have the press to thank for pushing us to see something we didn't see!
My mom had four kids, one with special needs. She had a full-time job, and she still came home and made dinner for us every night, from scratch. It was amazing.
I am so secure in who I am. I really am! And I'm not conceited. I just think, 'Wow, okay, that's the life you want to live.' It wasn't about who he chose. I mean, I had moments, 'Am I not sexy enough? Am I not pretty enough? Am I not smart enough?' But in so many of those questions, I immediately stopped and said, 'No, don't start doing that.' Because you can get stuck in that cycle and you can carry on to other things.