I do like British guys. If I had to pick one it would be Ewan McGregor. I met him once and he was gorgeous even if he is a little short. He has the most amazing charisma.
So many people complain that there aren't enough Latinos on television, and yet when they are, they need support.
When people think of diversity, they think people of color, but it also means women, who are severely underrepresented as directors, writers and producers.
The work part of a relationship is keeping it where you want it.
I love to be pursued. I think that when you're not a challenge, it's just nnot as fun for the guy.
I could be a party girl, dating whoever I want and being reckless, but I like being in a relationship. When you have somebody who grounds you and keeps you sane, it helps.
I'm a terrific Mexican cook, and I just love Mexican food. And I love cooking Mexican food. That's pretty much my weakness...and barbecue beef...and Texas beef...and brisket. Any red meat I can get my hands on.
Hunting is a family thing for me, and it's a Texas thing. We have a lot of land in Texas that's been in our family for 12 generations.
It's not a party unless I'm cooking. Some people find entertaining stressful, but it is therapeutic for me; I find it relaxing.
When people call me a sex icon, it's flattering but it never goes to my head because I never felt sexy as a teenager.
I'm not a matchmaker. I'm a horrible matchmaker. I always try. I'm not very good.
Staying in shape does not come easily, especially as you get older and you don't have as much time or energy to exercise.
Let me tell you, a vacation's not a vacation unless it involves the beach. And because of that, I'm super careful with my skin and make sure to protect it. I always sit under an umbrella. And I'm a sunblock bully. If you're on the beach with me, I will spray you down with SPF 50-plus. Latinos, especially, think that we don't burn or don't get sun damage because of our darker skin. And it's not true. We are just as susceptible to melanoma as everyone else.
I'm a fabulous date, I make sure I look good, I like hearing what a guy has to say and I make sure the evening is a real laugh. I like to laugh.
What I want to do is create great content on television and movies. It is not my role to program only for Latinos, and you can't really assume that Hispanics only want Hispanic content. But I do think that we are severely underrepresented in television and film. And instead of complaining about not seeing ourselves, we should become film producers, directors, and writers, and tell our story.
I never had a time line for my life. I didn't say I wanted to be married at 28 and have three kids by the time I was 32.
I don't think relationships are all about sex, but it's definitely about passion and that feeling of "I want you now." I love that romantic side of it.
I've always been confident with who I was, but my twenties were hard. I had to learn a lot of life lessons and I think my thirties will be a little easier because of all the wrong turns I took.
I would say 80% of the scripts I get are dramas and not comedies or romantic comedies, which is funny because that's what I do every week.
It's really important to have a healthy sexuality and to be open about it. It's not a taboo. It's normal.
I'll talk about my Tony all day long.
I've always seen actresses who constantly date their leading men or somebody they co-star with, and I've been the opposite. Once I act with you, I feel like you're my brother.
I didn't grow up speaking Spanish, and the interesting thing was, we would watch these novelas and you didn't have to speak Spanish to understand what was going on.
My acting is still being recognized for the fact that I wasn't nominated.
I always knew pesticides affected farmworkers. That's why I always tell people, "eat organic." Not just because it's better for you but because you know the people who picked your food weren't in a toxic environment.