I like to keep pushing myself and trying things out. I get easily bored, so I need a challenge.
I guess I'm a bit of a romantic.
I don't have much time for shopping so I pick things up when I can. My favorite labels are APC, Isabel Marant and Agnes B because the clothes are cut small and have a simplicity to them.
There's such a sense of theatre in getting glammed up; it's like putting on a play or short film.
It's nice to have some continuity you can come back to. I feel that in coming home, coming back to London.
I'm attracted to playing people who aren't necessarily straightforward.
Day to day, I always wear eyeliner on my top lid and mascara. I like to do my own makeup, it depends on the event.
It can be very intense being an actor; it can be quite a small world. Then you speak to your friend who is a scientist and they have a completely different perspective.
I've never done a superhero movie. It's very nice to you as an actor in several worlds to go and to experiment.
My mother [was in advertising and] worked incredibly hard when she was bringing us up. She was a working mother and a working single parent.
I cry at the end of every episode of "Girls." I'm just so overwhelmed by the truthfulness with which [Lena Dunham] conveys human nature.
[In "The Invisible Woman"] was a different type of performance which was less driven by improv. You always want moments of freshness and newness, but there was less so than I've done before.
I think Nelly [Ternan] actually has something very conservative about her, and she's very judgmental of (this other character's) situation, and can see that's about to happen to herself. So she judges it even more harshly [because] it's what she fears becoming.
The American vice would be sometimes speaking too loudly. You can always hear American people on the trains!
I think that when [Charles] Dickens met Nelly [Ternan] it unleashed this sort of carnal, anarchic, cruel energy within him, and literally after she met him he changed his whole life - he separated from [his wife] Catherine, he stopped all the children from seeing her and went on this bitter rampage.
I've been very lucky. Directors I've worked with have been very amenable to changes.
Sometimes there are changes that need to be made.
I've never taken a role where I don't like a person on the page.
I'm keen to have balance, as much as possible.
I'm not a huge jewelry fan.