
Francis Bacon Quotes about Science

If a man's wit be wandering, let him study the mathematics.

Francis Bacon, Basil Montagu (1821). “A critique of Bacon's "Novum Organum," by Basil Montagu, extracted from the Retrospective Review, 1821. Few MS. notes”, p.285

The monuments of wit survive the monuments of power.

Francis Bacon, Basil Montagu (1841). “The works of Francis Bacon, lord chancellor of England”, p.534

Never any knowledge was delivered in the same order it was invented.

Francis Bacon (1778). “The Works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Alban, and Lord High Chancellor of England: In Five Volumes”, p.392

Books must follow sciences, and not sciences books.

'Resuscitatio' (1657) 'Proposition touching Amendment of Laws' invent is to discover that we know not, and not to recover or resummon that which we already know

Francis Bacon, Basil Montagu (1825). “The Works of Francis Bacon, Lord Chancellor of England: A New Edition:”, p.183