Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes - Page 56

Friedrich Nietzsche, R. J. Hollingdale (1996). “Nietzsche: Human, All Too Human: A Book for Free Spirits”, p.296, Cambridge University Press
Friedrich Nietzsche, Maudemarie Clark, Brian Leiter (1997). “Nietzsche: Daybreak: Thoughts on the Prejudices of Morality”, p.195, Cambridge University Press
Friedrich Nietzsche (2010). “The Gay Science: With a Prelude in Rhymes and an Appendix of Songs”, p.199, Vintage
as though "the Truth" were such an innocent and incompetent creature as to require protectors!
Friedrich Nietzsche (2016). “BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL - Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future: The Critique of the Traditional Morality and the Philosophy of the Past”, p.20, e-artnow
Friedrich Nietzsche (2012). “Human, All-Too-Human: Parts One and Two”, p.135, Courier Corporation
Friedrich Nietzsche (2012). “Thus Spake Zarathustra”, p.175, Courier Corporation
"Faith" as an imperative is a veto against science-in praxi, it means lies at any price.
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (2007). “Twilight of the Idols with the Antichrist and Ecce Homo”, p.140, Wordsworth Editions
Friedrich Nietzsche (2016). “Thus spake Zarathustra - A Book for All and None”, p.122, Friedrich Nietzsche
"Human, All Too Human". Book by Friedrich Nietzsche, II.137, 1878.
The Gay Science bk. 3, sec. 261 (1882) (translation by Walter Kaufmann)
Friedrich Nietzsche (2017). “Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Beyond Good and Evil, Hellenism & Pessimism – 3 Unbeatable Philosophy Books in One Volume: The Birth of Tragedy”, p.619, e-artnow
The hypocrite who always plays one and the same part ceases at last to be a hypocrite.
Friedrich Nietzsche (2012). “Human, All-Too-Human: Parts One and Two”, p.46, Courier Corporation
Friedrich Nietzsche, Daniel Breazeale, R. J. Hollingdale (1983). “Nietzsche: Untimely Meditations”, p.127, Cambridge University Press
Talking much about oneself can also be a means to conceal oneself.
Friedrich Nietzsche (2009). “Basic Writings of Nietzsche”, p.282, Modern Library
Friedrich Nietzsche (1977). “The Portable Nietzsche”, p.81, Penguin