
George Horace Lorimer Quotes

All Quotes Giving Lying Office
You've got to get up every morning with determination if you're going to go to bed with satisfaction.

You've got to get up every morning with determination if you're going to go to bed with satisfaction.

George Horace Lorimer (2016). “Letters from a Self-Made Merchant to his Son”, p.55,

It is good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it's good too, to check up once in a while and make sure you haven't lost the things money can't buy.

George Horace Lorimer (2006). “Old Gorgon Graham: More Letters from a Self-made Merchant to His Son”, p.251, Cosimo, Inc.

A tactful man can pull the stinger from a bee without getting stung.

George Horace Lorimer (2016). “Letters from a Self-Made Merchant to his Son”, p.61,

The world is full of bright men who know all the right things to say and who say them in the wrong place.

George Horace Lorimer (2006). “Old Gorgon Graham: More Letters from a Self-made Merchant to His Son”, p.160, Cosimo, Inc.

Say less than the other fellow and listen more than you talk; for when a man's listening he isn't telling on himself and he's flattering the fellow who is.

George Horace Lorimer (2008). “Letters from A Self-Made Merchant to His Son (EasyRead Super Large 20pt Edition)”, p.51,

Give fools the first and women the last word.

George Horace Lorimer (2016). “Letters from a Self-Made Merchant to his Son”, p.25,

Every fellow is really two men -- what he is and what he might be; and you're never absolutely sure which you're going to bury till he's dead.

George Horace Lorimer (2006). “Old Gorgon Graham: More Letters from a Self-made Merchant to His Son”, p.257, Cosimo, Inc.

The easiest way in the world to make enemies is to hire friends.

George Horace Lorimer (2016). “Letters from a Self-Made Merchant to his Son”, p.41,

When the tongue lies, the eyes tell the truth.

George Horace Lorimer (2016). “Letters from a Self-Made Merchant to his Son”, p.71,

Never ask a man what he knows, but what he can do.

George Horace Lorimer (1904). “Old Gorgon Graham: More Letters from a Self-made Merchant to His Son”

The great secret of good management is to be more alert to prevent a man's going wrong than eager to punish him for it.

George Horace Lorimer (2006). “Old Gorgon Graham: More Letters from a Self-made Merchant to His Son”, p.257, Cosimo, Inc.

Because a fellow has failed once or twice or a dozen times, you don't want to set him down as a failure till he's dead or loses his courage.

George Horace Lorimer (2006). “Old Gorgon Graham: More Letters from a Self-made Merchant to His Son”, p.11, Cosimo, Inc.

Those who succeed can't forgive a fellow for being a failure, and those who fail can't forgive him for being a success.

George Horace Lorimer (2016). “Letters from a Self-Made Merchant to his Son”, p.67,