Giorgio de Chirico Quotes
"Letters of the great artists - from Ghiberti to Gainsborough" by Richard Friedenthal, Thames and Hudson, London, (p. 231), 1963.
Giorgio De Chirico, José María Faerna (1995). “De Chirico”, Harry N. Abrams
"Artists on Art - from the 14th - 20th centuries" edited by Robert Goldwater and Marco Treves; Pantheon Books, London, (p. 440), 1972.
Quoted in Saranne Alexandrian Surrealist Art (1970).
"Letters of the great artists - from Ghiberti to Gainsborough" by Richard Friedenthal, Thames and Hudson, London, (p. 232), 1963.
"Letters of the great artists - from Ghiberti to Gainsborough" by Richard Friedenthal, Thames and Hudson, London, (p. 232), 1963.