Gore Vidal Quotes - Page 5

It is curious how often one prefers his enemies to his friends.
Gore Vidal (1969). “Reflections Upon a Sinking Ship. (1. Ed.)”, Boston : Little, Brown
First coffee, then a bowel movement. Then the Muse joins me.
Gore Vidal, Richard Peabody, Lucinda Ebersole (2005). “Conversations with Gore Vidal”, p.59, Univ. Press of Mississippi
Gore Vidal (1978). “Matters of fact and of fiction: essays, 1973-1976”, Vintage
Those who have not undergone minor disasters are usually being held in reserve for something major
Gore Vidal (2002). “Creation: a novel”, Doubleday Books
"America First? America Last? America at Last?". Lowell Lecture, Harvard University, April 20, 1992.
Gore Vidal (1987). “Armageddon?: essays 1983-1987”, Andre Deutsch Ltd
Gore Vidal (2004). “Imperial America: Reflections on the United States of Amnesia”, p.45, CLAIRVIEW BOOKS
Gore Vidal (1968). “Sex, Death, and Money”
Gore Vidal (1998). “The American presidency”, Common Courage Pr