Gore Vidal Quotes - Page 8

There is something about a bureaucrat that does not like a poem.
1968 Sex, Death and Money, preface. See Frost 338:84.
All in all, I would not have missed this century for the world.
Gore Vidal (1991). “A view from the diners club: essays 1987-1991”
Gore Vidal (2004). “Imperial America: Reflections on the United States of Amnesia”, p.61, CLAIRVIEW BOOKS
Gore Vidal, Richard Peabody, Lucinda Ebersole (2005). “Conversations with Gore Vidal”, p.52, Univ. Press of Mississippi
Gore Vidal (1969). “Reflections Upon a Sinking Ship. (1. Ed.)”, Boston : Little, Brown
"At Home: Essays 1982-1988". Book by Gore Vidal (Appendix), 1988.
Anybody, at any time, may equally find himself victim or executioner.
Gore Vidal (1968). “Sex, Death, and Money”