People who love each other don't bargain. Love has no such thing as business. Love has no conditions, because love does not obey time and space.
Love fundamentally is the most powerful ecstasy of consciousness, and even if a person goes blind, there is no question when you are in love.
This grossness, physical love, which is actually the biological cooling system, is very essential. The prana feeds the tattvas and the tattvas create the rasa. Rasa means juices. The juices circulate and in that circulation the glandular system works and involves itself. And there's a place to bring it all to harmony.
The path which we believe in is the path of love; it has all the goodness of God in it-calmness and kindness.
Let somebody prove friendship which time and space cannot jolt, and then accept the love. Don't accept the love first and then find the friendship; it will never come. You have lost the game.
A cozy home is not just a sixty-five thousand dollar house bought from Bank of America. A cozy home is a total consciousness of the two individuals within the framework of the home, and in relationship to the entire surrounding of this planet and beyond this planet. God lives in cozy homes.
It's very difficult for people, because when you purify yourself with love you have to merge. Anything in the world is easier to merge than two egos.
Love without trust is a river without water.
The unit of every country is the family and the strength of the country is based on the smiles of the children and songs of the adults.
If the entire divinity and domain of God sits in the heart of a person, and his longing becomes timeless, then man can develop the capacity to love.
You have no sensitivity that your soul shall leave in the subtle body and that your subtle body is as sophisticated as anything in the universe can be. So unless you produce in yourself elegance, grace, sophisticatedness in your mind, manners and attitude, and unless you come from the infinite altitude, and ascend to that altitude, you cannot descend in love. The higher is your being, the deeper is the love.
If love could be purchased, everybody would have paid a thousand dollars a pound for it. You know it doesn't work that way.
Many things you are already practicing; but you practice them under fear. But if you practice them under love they become Divine.
It is not possible to live in today's society without a cozy home. What is a cozy home? A cozy home is a place where there is a unity in all those who live there, an understanding in all those who relate to it. There is a will to sacrifice for each other; there is a will to live for each other; there is a will to protect each other.
Mostly your love is passionate force. But when this passionate force turns itself to be a compassionate force under the guidance of compassionate intelligence, that is where one becomes brahm giani. One knows all, one sees all, one says all.
Where there is love, there is no question. Where there is a question, there is no love. Then it becomes a business. So love is the totality of the self. My dear folks, if you cannot find yourself, you can never find anybody you want to find.
Whenever you remember me, now or hereafter, one word you must remember: God only lives in cozy homes. Man without a cozy home is a man without God. And coziness is the relationship between you and your purity, your piety and your principles to which you have agreed.
Time and space cannot play any part between two loving hearts.
Love is nothing but giving, tolerating and sacrificing.
If you can do any favor for yourself, if you want to understand yourself, if you really want to build anything for yourself, try to make a plan to have a cozy home and a cozy partner. When even God may leave you, your partner should not-that kind of partner; a partner who does not know how to part. If your partner knows that he can part, he does not yet have the power to unite.
The greatest investment and greatest fair deal and enterprise is family, cozy homes. A cozy home is based on cozy people. Cozy people are not brought and imported, they are made from the time of birth to the time of infinity.
You want to know about a good man? Man is the one who can carry the home and the family and have the strength to keep that weight going; woman is that which can nurture and nurse and be herself and can keep her radiance and have the strength of that.
What is a cozy home? Where you enter and you feel the radiance of your divine self.
Seven years ago when I came, I said to you that I'll teach you how to be healthy, happy and holy and we will build a family which shall not have any facet of human life as an orphan; to build an exclusive family in which there is no facet of our life which is an orphan. 'In God we trust,' We are the trust of God and let us live it.
If you cannot put the ego on the side you cannot succeed in love, period. Therefore love must defeat it.