
Helen Thomas Quotes - Page 2

I love my work, and I think that I was so lucky to pick a profession where it's a joy to go to work every day.

"50 Years of Tough Questions and 'Thank You, Mr. President'" by David Stout, July 20, 2013.

I'm of Arab background.

"Written by a former editor of the Wall Street Journal: 'The propagandists for the Israel Lobby, who occupy the Wall Street Journal editorial page while pretending to be journalists, are determined to remove Helen Thomas from the annals of journalism.'", June 16, 2010.

I censored myself for 50 years when I was a reporter. Now I wake up and ask myself, 'Who do I hate today?'

"Doubting Thomas Was Hearst's Big Mistake", June 14, 2010.

We've got to break through the wall of secrecy. It's America's fate.

Phone interview on "The Majority Report" with Sam Seder, April 2, 2004.

Get the hell out of Palestine.

"Helen Thomas Apologizes for Saying Jews Should 'Get the Hell Out of Palestine'". June 4, 2010.