I want a country where citizens like you and your family are just as welcome as anyone else.
You can look at the propaganda on a lot of the terrorists sites, and what Donald Trump says about Muslims is used to recruit fighters, because they want to create a war between us.
We should demand that Donald release all of his tax returns so that people can see what are the entanglements and the financial relationships that he has with the Russians and other foreign powers.
Donald Trump lives in an alternative reality.
I've spent 30 years, actually maybe a little more, working to help kids and families. And I want to take all that experience to the White House and do that every single day.
Donald Trump used undocumented labor to build the Trump Tower. He underpaid undocumented workers, and when they complained, he basically said what a lot of employers do: "You complain, I'll get you deported."
I want to get everybody out of the shadows, get the economy working, and not let employers like Donald Trump exploit undocumented workers, which hurts them, but also hurts American workers.
I want us to do more to help small business. That's where two- thirds of the new jobs are going to come from.
I want to make college debt-free and for families making less than $125,000, you will not get a tuition bill from a public college or university if the plan that I worked on with Bernie Sanders is enacted.
We've got to keep fighting, and I will defeat ISIS.
The first thing is we got to make sure we try to keep guns out of the wrong hands. And I want comprehensive background checks.
I want to close the online loophole and the gun show loophole.
The gun lobby whips up people and makes them believe that President Obama or I are coming for their guns. Well, that's ridiculous. And he's said it, I have said it. But we do want to save lives by keeping a gun from somebody who shouldn't have it.
I wanted to work on policy because I think it really makes a difference.
Every time I meet somebody who's been affected by something I worked on, I feel like, yes, that's what I want to do, whether the Children's Health Insurance Program or making drugs safer for kids or helping more kids get a doctor, whatever it might be.
It wasn't until 1998 that I ever seriously thought about running for office. And I didn't make up my mind to do that until 1999, and then I ran for the Senate. It was really hard for me.
I look at somebody like my husband or President Obama. They are so natural. I mean, they are fluid, they got the moves, they can just go into a room and really capture it, they've got charisma.
We don't think about women being leaders.
Learn from your mistakes, trying to figure out what the best way to go forward is.
We have to face up to systemic racism. We see it in jobs, we see it in education, we see it in housing. But let's be really clear; it's a big part of what we're facing in the criminal justice system.
I'm going to do everything I can to restore trust and build back those bonds between the police and communities.
I think we're all safer when the police respect the communities they're supposed to serve, and the communities respect the law.
I want people to come together and listen respectfully.
We need better police training.
I think there should be national standards on the use of legal force.