If you want to find out the purpose of life, you need to look beyond the limitations of body and mind.
Meditation means to know life beyond the sphere of the physical; to know and experience life not just at the surface but at the source.
If you are truly a seeker of truth, truth cannot hide from you. It is in the lap of truth that you have happened.
If you cultivate your body, your mind, your emotions, and your energies to a certain level of maturity, meditation will blossom.
The very purpose of life is to reach the highest possible flowering.
Mind is madness. Only when you go beyond the mind, there will be meditation.
When you exist here only as a body and a mind, suffering is inevitable.
If you know how to keep yourself pleasant within, irrespective of what is happening around you, Ultimate Liberation cannot be denied to you.
Being a seeker means no matter what the Vedas said, what Krishna or Shiva said, you have to know the truth in your own experience.
Meditation means ultimate freedom within you.
It is the pain of ignorance which makes one into a seeker.
The most fundamental and the most important aspect of the spiritual process can in no way be stopped by anybody - except yourself.
A spiritual process is not a divorce from life. It is an irrevocable love affair with life.
Being spiritual does not mean being dead serious. If you allow life to happen within you exuberantly, unbridled, you will touch the spirit.
Spiritual process is not for the dead or the dying; it is for the living who want to become fully alive in all dimensions of life.
To create something and not to be attached to what you have created is a spiritual process.
Once you realize that the way you exist right now is not enough, that there is something more, your spiritual process has already begun.
The spiritual process is always individual. You may sit in a group, but only the individual can evolve, only the individual can liberate himself.
Meditation is a way of moving into the unlimited dimension of who you are - it is the ultimate freedom.
The first step towards knowing is to see that you do not know.
Yoga is not just about living better. It is about exploring the very source of life.
Yoga is a way to produce a chemistry of blissfulness. Once you are blissful by your own nature, you can deal with outside situations effortlessly.
When you are truly meditative, there is no time and space for you. Time and space is just a creation of the mind.
There is no need to make spirituality a part of education. If you make education non-imposing and non-suppressive, people are naturally spiritual.
Now, you believe you are a material person dabbling with. But essentially, you are a spiritual being dabbling with the material world means you have started seeing life with utmost clarity. There are no more illusions about it. You see everything just the way it is.