
James Allen Quotes about Motivational

A strong man cannot help a weaker unless the weaker is willing to be helped, and even then the weak man must become strong of himself; he must, by his own efforts, develop the strength which he admires in another. None but himself can alter his condition.

James Allen (2013). “As a Man Thinketh: The Book of Thoughts, Health and Body, Character, Purpose, Achievement, Visions and Ideals (New Thought Edition - Secret Library)”, p.23, Lulu Press, Inc

A man is not rightly conditioned until he is a happy, healthy, and prosperous being; and happiness, health, and prosperity are the result of a harmonious adjustment of the inner with the outer of the man with his surroundings.

Oldiees Publishing, James Allen (2015). “The Book of Inspiration: As a Man Thinketh - AUDIO EDITION OF SELF IMPROVEMENT IDEAS & INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES FOR PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT”, p.7, Oldiees Publishing