
James Allen Quotes about Inspirational

Men do not attract that which they want, but that which they are.

James Allen (2016). “As a Man Thinketh”, p.7, Xist Publishing

Circumstance does not make the man; it reveals him to himself.

James Allen (2016). “As a Man Thinketh”, p.6, Xist Publishing

Happiness is mental harmony; unhappiness is mental inharmony.

Oldiees Publishing, James Allen (2015). “The Book of Discipline: Out From the Heart - AUDIO EDITION OF SELF IMPROVEMENT IDEAS & INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES FOR PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT”, p.16, Oldiees Publishing

As the physically weak man can make himself strong by careful and patient training, so the man of weak thoughts can make them strong by exercising himself in right thinking.

James Allen (2013). “As a Man Thinketh: The Book of Thoughts, Health and Body, Character, Purpose, Achievement, Visions and Ideals (New Thought Edition - Secret Library)”, p.20, Lulu Press, Inc

To desire is to obtain; to aspire is to achieve.

James Allen, Mark Allen (1998). “As You Think”, p.76, New World Library