You never know how bad a situation is going to be until you come out of it. But the nation has had two major hurricanes in [several] weeks, and we will be stronger because of it.
Then one day along come a Friday and that a unlucky star day and I playin' round de house and marster Williams come up and say, "Delis, will you 'low Jim walk down the street with me?" My mammy say, "All right, Jim, you be a good boy," and dat de las' time I ever heard her speak, or ever see her. We walks down whar de houses grows close together and pretty soon comes to de slave market. I ain't seed it 'fore, but when marster Williams says, "Git up on de block," I got a funny feelin', and I knows what has happened.
John the Baptist was supposed to point the way to the Christ. He was just the voice, not the Messiah. So everybodys calling has dignity to it and God seems to know better than we do what is in us that needs to be called forth.
As long as I loved and served Christ I could be anything I wanted to be.
Even more important than what we do, then, is who we are.
We live in a free country. While patriotism is important, liberty of thought and liberty of expression are even more important.
Back in the days when I was growing up, the SWAC had as good of talent as any schools in the state.
We were growing up in West Virginia. Everybody was poor there in the southern part of the state. It was like growing up in the Great Depression from the stories I hear people tell. Everybody was poor and so we didnt know that we were any different from anybody else.
Further south, there are some airports, but none our size. Our airport is the gateway to the southern Kansas City.