
Jillian Michaels Quotes about Motivational

A bad day for your ego is a great day for your soul.

Jillian Michaels, Mariska van Aalst (2009). “Master Your Metabolism: The 3 Diet Secrets to Naturally Balancing Your Hormones for a Hot and Healthy Body!”, p.21, Harmony

Be awesome. Live life to the fullest. Shoot for the stars and never settle.

Jillian Michaels (2013). “Slim for Life: My Insider Secrets to Simple, Fast, and Lasting Weight Loss”, p.3, Harmony

If you're not failing, you're not trying hard enough.

"Fitness Superstar Jillian Michaels On Weight Loss, Healthy Eating & More!". Interview with Jessica Lipps,

If I fall in love with a woman, that’s awesome. If I fall in love with a man, that’s awesome. As long as you fall in love… It’s like organic food. I only eat healthy food, and I only want healthy love!

"Jillian Michaels: First Lady to Ever Come Out (Bisexual) in 'Ladies Home Journal'". Ladies' Home Journal Interview, January 5, 2010.