The guy says, "When you work where I work, by the time you get home, it's late. You've got to have a bite to eat, watch a little TV, relax and get to bed. You can't sit up half the night planning, planning, planning." And he's the same guy who is behind on his car payment!
Tyranny knows no restraint of appetite.
What kind of influence do you want to have? What kind of effect do you want to have on other people? Never mistake the power of influence.
If you hear a good idea, capture it; write it down. Don't trust your memory. Then on a cold wintry evening, go back through your journal, the ideas that changed your life, the ideas that saved your marriage, the ideas that bailed you out of bankruptcy, the ideas that helped you become successful, the ideas that made you millions. What a good review-going back over the collection of ideas that you gathered over the years. So be a collector of good ideas for your business, for your relationships, for your future.
In America we have the greatest chance for opportunity than anyone else in the past six and a half thousand years. Never in recorded history have so many different gifts from all over the world been deposited in one country.
Some people read so little they have rickets of the mind.
If kids clearly see the promise, they will gladly pay the price.
Americans are incredibly inpatient. Someone once said that the shortest period of time in America is the time between when the light turns green and when you hear the first horn honk.
Don’t see the mind for more than it is, but don’t misread it for all that it can be.
Be sensitive to the plight of others. You have to know about the tragedies as well as the triumphs, the failures as well as the success.
When the promise is clear, the price gets easy
In America, one of the great liberal documents of the world is the Declaration of Independence. One of the great conservative documents of the world is the Constitution of the United States. We need both documents to build a country. One to get it started - liberal. And the other to help maintain the structure over the years - conservative.
Here's what is exciting about sharing ideas with others: If you share a new idea with ten people, they get to hear it once and you get to hear it ten times.
Your philosophy determines whether you will go for the disciplines or continue the errors.
There are two parts to influence: First, influence is powerful; and second, influence is subtle. You wouldn't let someone push you off course, but you might let someone nudge you off course and not even realize it.
The attitude of other people affects each of us and the attitude of each of us has the capacity to affect all of us.
The major value in life is not what you get. The major value in life is what you become. That is why I wish to pay fair price for every value. If I have to pay for it or earn it, that makes something of me. If I get it for free, that makes nothing of me.
All values must be won by contest, and after they have been won, they must be defended.
We must be careful not to let our current appetites steal away any chance we might have for a future feast
God has the tough end of the deal. What if instead of planting the seed you had to make the tree? That would keep you up late at night, trying to figure that one out.
Make measurable progress in reasonable time.
Take time to gather up the past so that you will be able to draw from your experience and invest them in the future.
Make sure what you do is a product of your own conclusion.
Ambitious people know that everything they do and every discipline they adhere to, form the links in the chain of events that will lead them to their final destination.
For what it will make of you to achieve it.