
Novices Quotes

Most novices picture themselves as masters - and are content with the picture. This is why there are so few masters.

Most novices picture themselves as masters - and are content with the picture. This is why there are so few masters.

Jean Toomer (2003). “The Uncollected Works of American Author Jean Toomer, 1894-1967”, Edwin Mellen Press

It is always the novice who exaggerates.

C. S. LEWIS (1961). “The Screwtape Letters & Screwtape Proposes a Toast”

Man reaches each stage of his life as a novice.

Sébastien-Roch-Nicolas Chamfort (1902). “The Cynic's Breviary: Maxims and Anecdotes from Nicolas de Chamfort”

I consider myself a novice film actor.

"A lifetime of achievement, but James Earl Jones isn't done". Interview with Susan Wloszczyna, January 25, 2009.

Everyone knows that I'm all in favour of apprenticeships, but let me tell you this is no time for a novice.

"Gordon Brown: 'We will be rock of stability and fairness'". Speech to the Labour Party conference, September 23, 2008.