Everybody's a dreamer.
Anyone who hears enough laughter and applause at a young age will become an actor, whether they intend to or not.
I got a wonderful college education. I went to Harvard. In those four years I accumulated a lot of knowledge but I also created a kind of habit of learning that has stayed with me my whole life.
I consider myself a very lucky actor that, approaching 60, I'm still employed and employable.
I look for every opportunity to mix comedy and horror and tragedy. I love catching audiences off-guard.
My only regret is that we didn't have more kids. I came from a family of four kids, but my wife and I just started too late.
I'm a fun father, but not a good father. The hard decisions always went to my wife
I was married very young. I lived a very middle class life. I was married at age 21, divorced at 31. I didn't sleep on people's couches.
It's very interesting, I had an extremely intense experience with my dad in 2002, when he was an old man and very ill and I was taking care of him and my mother, and he was extremely depressed, virtually lost the will to live, and I realized my main job was cheering him up to save his life.
I was in 20 Shakespearean plays by the time I was 20.
I'm always being asked to play roles or characters that I don't really resemble.
It's my theory that if you hear enough applause and laughter at a young enough age, you're doomed
I was very interested in being a painter. I had facility, I had talent, and I loved painting and printmaking, and I was quite serious about it.
I went to Harvard and immediately fell into the theater gang, and I was already an experienced actor, so you go with the flow! I've already used the phrase "campus star."
I can't get used to the fact that I'm 68 years old. I still feel like a youngster. I am playing a part even older than 68 - 71 years old. It's kind of startling to see myself in a movie and realize, "Yup. That's exactly what I look like."
You have to overcome enormous self-consciousness, but nudity is about the strongest thing you can do in an acting performance. It's the most unsettling or the most comic or the most sexual.
The problem is that people are pulling farther apart, rather than make an effort to get back together. There have been remarkable moments that united this country. It makes everyone feel relieved. Then because of economic stress, political shifts, we get wrenched apart again. I think it's cyclical. I am an optimist by nature. There are moments, the period after 9/11, the way we responded. The election of Barack Obama. There are moments where the country felt good about being American. I'm waiting for that to happen again.
I really prize and love great painting. It's so out of date now. It's slightly come back in.
It's nice when you've done enough movies that you can do your own anthology.
I'm as flighty as anybody. You put a lot out there. I've been through the process a lot. When I play a major role, it's my instinct to create a nice atmosphere. People in the major roles dominate the tone of an entire film. To my mind, it's much easier to work creatively when everyone's friendly.
I don't hesitate to do nudity as an actor if it's done well.
I think there are all sorts of ways of turning into an actor, and there are a vast variety of different actors. You know, you interview plenty of actors and you know they come at it from a different direction and acting means different things to a lot of people.
I certainly had my years as an out of work actor but I was married with a baby. My wife was supporting us.
For me, working on stage is much more exhausting than all the other mediums, but it's also much more thrilling.
Academics tend to have wonderfully infantile senses of humor.