
John Maeda Quotes - Page 2

Knowledge makes everything simpler.

John Maeda (2006). “The Laws of Simplicity”, p.33, MIT Press

Anyone with a computer and a design program can create a page layout. But unless you're trained in design, it won't look very good and it won't communicate very well.

"STEM to STEAM: An Interview With RISD’s President, John Maeda". Interview with Darby Roach, December 06, 2017.

Apple products aren't simple technologies by any stretch, but there is a beautiful simplicity to them.

"Why Apple Leads the Way in Design" by John Maeda, January 27, 2010.

Organization makes a system of many appear fewer.

John Maeda (2006). “The Laws of Simplicity”, p.12, MIT Press

Videogames are indeed design: They're sophisticated virtual machines that echo the mechanical systems inside cars.

"Videogames Do Belong in the Museum of Modern Art" by John Maeda, December 04, 2012.

The best scientists that I've met are those that are humanists and scientists at the same time.

"John Maeda: Innovation is born when art meets science". Interview with Tom Lamont, November 13, 2010.

With regard to what is designed really well, I think people are the best-designed objects in the world. Seriously.

"John Maeda Goes Meta On Design". Interview with Kim Zetter, March 8, 2007.