
John McCain Quotes - Page 14

I can only express satisfaction that the Dear Leader is joining the likes of Gaddafi, Bin Laden, Hitler, and Stalin in a warm corner of hell.

"'I Hope He's in a Warm Corner of Hell': McCain Says the World Is Better Off Without Kim Jong Il Who's Gone to Join Gaddafi, Bin Laden and Hitler". December 20, 2011.

You may have noticed that Senator Obama’s supporters have been saying some pretty nasty things about Western Pennsylvania lately. And you know, I couldn’t agree with them more.

"McCain Fights to Keep Crucial Blue State in Play" by • Elisabeth Bumiller and Jeff Zeleny, October 21, 2008.

As you know, there are al Qaeda operatives that are taken back into Iran, given training as leaders, and they’re moving back into Iraq.

"John McCain on Iraq, Iran and the Middle East from Amman, Jordan". "The Hugh Hewitt Show", March 17, 2008.

I'm not President Bush

"Debate III: The Live Blog" by Jonathan Stein, October 16, 2008.

As part of Social Security reform, I believe that private savings accounts are a part of it - along the lines that President Bush proposed.

"John McCain Thinks Social Security Is A 'Disgrace'" by Nick Baumann, July 8, 2008.

I can't believe a guy that handsome wouldn't have some impact.

"Bush taps Quayle for VP". "The Oregonian" Newspaper, August 17, 1988.

Anybody who believes the surge has not succeeded, militarily, politically and in most other ways, frankly, does not know the facts on the ground.

"Iraqis See a Candidate’s Agenda in McCain’s Visit" by Richard A. Oppel, Jr. Michael Luo, March 17, 2008.

All interested parties must be willing to make significant sacrifices.

"States argue for taxing Internet transactions" by Ian Christopher McCaleb, March 14, 2001.