
Julia Cameron Quotes - Page 8

It is the use of creativity which heals the creative wound.

It is the use of creativity which heals the creative wound.

FaceBook post by Julia Cameron from Jun 27, 2014

We always do the best we can by the light we have to see by.

Julia Cameron (2002). “The Artist's Way: 25th Anniversary Edition”, p.160, Penguin

Adversity is a misperception as all works toward the good.

Julia Cameron (1998). “Blessings”, p.105, Penguin

In creativity, as in running, you have to start where you are.

Julia Cameron (2009). “Finding Water: The Art of Perseverance”, p.31, Penguin

Apologies are the art of spiritual housekeeping. They help to put and keep our lives in order.

Julia Cameron (2001). “God is No Laughing Matter”, p.158, Penguin

Water seeks its own level and water rises collectively

Julia Cameron (2012). “The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity”, p.264, Souvenir Press

Agendas tend to drain the life out of relationships.

Julia Cameron (2005). “Letters to a Young Artist: Building a Life in Art”, Tarcher

What would a nontoxic god think of your creative goals? Might such a god really exist?

Julia Cameron (2012). “The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity”, p.145, Souvenir Press

Writing just for the hell of it is heaven.

Julia Cameron (1999). “The Right to Write: An Invitation and Initiation into the Writing Life”, p.30, Penguin

We waste a lot of time and a lot of talent trying to write for the common reader, whom we will never meet. Instead we should be writing for our ideal reader.

"Becoming Intimate With Your Own Creative Impulses". Interview with Brad Crawford, March 11, 2008.

All too often, it is audacity and not talent that moves an artist to center stage.

Julia Cameron (2002). “The Artist's Way: 25th Anniversary Edition”, p.61, Penguin

The opposite of Prosperity is not poverty. It is anxiety.

FaceBook post by Julia Cameron from May 18, 2012

The grace to be a beginner is always the best prayer for an artist.

FaceBook post by Julia Cameron from Mar 18, 2017