Karl Barth Quotes - Page 2

One drop of eternity is of greater weight than a vast ocean of finite things.
Karl Barth (1968). “The Epistle to the Romans”, p.77, Oxford University Press, USA
"The Harper Book of Quotations". Book by Robert I. Fitzhenry, 1993.
1934 The Barmen Declaration adopted by the Confessing Church in Germany (translated by D S Bax, 1984).
Karl Barth (2010). “Church Dogmatics Study Edition 11: The Doctrine of God II.2 § 34-35”, p.122, A&C Black
Karl Barth (1986). “A Karl Barth Reader”, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
The gospel is not a truth among other truths. Rather, it sets a question mark against all truths.
Karl Barth (1968). “The Epistle to the Romans”, p.35, Oxford University Press, USA
The best theology would need no advocates; it would prove itself.
"Quotations from the Wayside". Book by Brenda Wong, 1998.
Karl Barth (1960). “The Humanity of God”, p.62, Westminster John Knox Press
Karl Barth (1960). “The Humanity of God”, p.47, Westminster John Knox Press
Karl Barth (2002). “Prayer”, p.15, Westminster John Knox Press
Karl Barth (1968). “The Epistle to the Romans”, p.88, Oxford University Press, USA
Impossibility is more possible than everything which we hold to be possible.
Karl Barth (1968). “The Epistle to the Romans”, p.381, Oxford University Press, USA
Karl Barth (1941). “This Christian cause: (A letter to Great Britain from Switzerland)”
Karl Barth (2003). “Church Dogmatics The Doctrine of God, Volume 2, Part2: The Election of God; The Command of God”, p.317, Bloomsbury Publishing
In the Church of Jesus Christ there can and should be no non-theologians.
Karl Barth (1981). “Letters, 1961-1968”