
Keanu Reeves Quotes - Page 3

I'm Mickey Mouse. They don't know who's inside the suit.

I'm Mickey Mouse. They don't know who's inside the suit.

"Biography/Personal Quotes".

I do think there must be some kind of interaction between your living life and the life that goes on from here.

"Keanu Heads Down Under With 'Constantine'". Associated Press Interview, February 19, 2005.

Anything where there's great enthusiasm, and a place to come share what you think is cool.

"COMIC-CON 2004: Keanu Reeves, Djiimon Hounsou, and Director Francis Lawerence Talk Constantine!". Interview with B. Alan Orange, July 25, 2004.

Eventually, it came to this place like, "I'd like to direct, but I need to find the story to tell." Man of Tai Chi became the story to tell.

"Q&A: Keanu Reeves on Making His First Movie, Man of Tai Chi". Interview with Calum Marsh, September 13, 2013.

The blues have always had some of the best times, best feelings I’ve ever had.

Interview with Dennis Cooper, Interview Magazine (US), September 1990.