Just as, when we touch a live wire, the electric force infuses itself into our body, when we deeply meditate on God the power of the whole universe seeks entry into our personality.
That higher awakening is called God-consciousness. In that condition, you will see that all the objects of the world are your own universal self.
Do not make the mistake of thinking that the soul is inside you, because if the soul is inside you, you will be outside it.
We always imagine that the Supreme Being is very far away -many, many millions of light years away- yet It is very near, in our throat itself.
Saints and sages are still alive. Great masters are still operating. It is up to you to find where they are.
Every objet in the world promises satisfaction, but it never gives satisfaction -it only promises.
What man needs is not philosophy or religion in the academic or formalistic sense of the term, but ability to think rightly. The malady of the age is not absence of philosophy or even irreligion but wrong thinking and a vanity which passes for knowledge. Though it is difficult to define right thinking, it cannot be denied that it is the goal of the aspirations of everyone.
Yoga is anything which reveals or reflects the wholeness that we truly are, and the world is anything that makes us feel that we are fragmented, dissected, cut into pieces and out of tune with ourselves.
The soul's illness is more terrible and more difficult to understand than the illness of the body or any other type of malady.
Physically you are identical with and inseparable from the cosmic material substance, and socially you are inseparable from the large mass of humanity.
"Our prosperity, our friends, our bondage and even our destruction are all in the end rooted in our tongue," says a famous adage.
We are in conflict with the world; otherwise, there would be no necessity to put forth tremendous effort to meet the world and its demands.
The duty that we owe to the Universe is our religion.